Thursday, April 2, 2009

The ET Crossword No. 4204 Friday, April 03, 2009

Grid @


1 Triumph of the good loser (5,7) MORAL VICTORY

8 Churchman keeping quiet about disagreement (7) P ON TIFF

9 The excitement of a gamble (7) FLUTTER

11 Our turn to strike with dismissed rig worker (10) ROU<-STAB OUT

12 Deliver a number while throwing fish out (4) (-F)LING

14 Turn out in case you can learn something from one (8) T(UTO)RIAL

16 Man able to jump on board (6) KNIGHT

17 No female could be such a cat (3) TOM

19 Gloomy cat having something sharp stuck in (6) MO PING

21 Awful roarings where soldiers are gathered (8) GARRISON*

24 Trip one cancelled for those having a trying time (4) J(-O)UR(-N -E)Y

25 Fairy ring starting to change in face of publication (10) PERIODICAL

27 Made part of the structure put up at home (5-2) BUILT-IN

28 Popular lawyer keeping it short (2,5) IN BRIEF

29 In no hurry to get on with a piece of music (4,8) SLOW MOVEMENT


1 Search for person to make a ghostly appearance without any lead (7) MAN HUNT

2 Having tories around to call for some revelry (10) ROISTE RING

3 It might be the saving of one if able to reform (8) LIFEBOAT*

4 Little information on light coming in (6) INF LUX

5 Said to have been instructed to get tight (4) TAUT (~taught)

6 Going badly over the top in a fight situation (7) R(O T T)ING

7 Work after work (5-4,3) SPARE-TIME JOB

10 Both sides being correct departed (5,3,4) RIGHT AND LEFT

13 Nice bridle so tangled you wouldn't believe! (10) INCREDIBLE*

15 Record endless rise of valuable material (3) (-D)LOG<-

18 Spoil one spell by the sea (8) MAR I TIME

20 Not completely prejudiced (7) PARTIAL

22 A church person's crass to get involved with it (7) SACR(I)S(T)

23 Incline in the direction of building that needs support (4-2) LEAN-TO

26 Agitation in a fish pond (4) STEW

1 comment:

C.G. BHARGAV said...

25 Fairy(PERI)// ring(O)// starting to change{C}// in face{DIAL} of publication (10)

(You might have run short of time, with lots of other things to do.)